Wednesday, April 28, 2010

51 Days!

So we finally got out engagement pictures back! So we went through about 200 pictures and mom and I found our favorite seven! So now it's your turn to vote because we're having a hard time trying to figure out which one we like the most :D

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

Picture 4:

Picture 5:

Picture 6:

Picture 7:


  1. I LOVE these. I really love #1, but I don't know about it for your announcement since it's not very close up. I still love #4! This is SO exciting. I can't believe you're already down to 51 days. Woohoo!!! I need to start shopping for lingerie and such... hehehehe!

  2. i like 3, 4, and 6. not #2 - colin looks posed funny and #7 almost looks like he's closing his eyes. gorgeous girl you are!! :) i think 4 is my all time favorite though!

  3. i agree, i love 3, but 4 is probably my favorite. :D you are so beautiful!!

  4. Not 2 cause Colin's head is tilted funny. I love any of the red bridge ones. I love #4 the most cause your cute shoe is up and showing.I do like #5 too. You are so beautiful Katie!!!! How was my son so lucky to get you? Lots of love.....Mom Craigo

  5. I like number 4! These are so cute! We are getting excited for the big day!
