One more day down! So the happy news of the day is that we finally heard that we can move into the Carter's (after we get married of course).
The Carter's live close to 17th South and Foothill Blvd so we'll be super close to the U.
This room will most likely be our living room. (With a few changes)
These are the beautiful plans that my brother Bart has drawn up for the kitchen. It's going to be great!
This is what the future kitchen looks like right now so there's going to be a lot of work ahead of us but it'll hopefully be a good place to live. We hope that we'll be able to help them out at their house and at the same time have a nice little place of our own. I can't wait!
How exciting! I can't wait to see it once it's all remodeled. It will be so nice living close to the U. Is it a little strange knowing you're going to be living there with Colin?!? hehe...